
I have been so busy, but I am afraid that if I don’t do this now, I will be really, really, really late in passing these…

What am I talking about?

Blog Awards…of course.

My blog received several awards within the last week, so wanted to thank everyone for the lovely recognition. Thank you…

Firstly, fLVE received the One Lovely Blog Award from Space for lasam.  I would like to thank II 4S Aopmrdd for the award…

If you like to play by the rules, here they are:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog —Done
  2. List 7 random things about yourself —I have done this before, so I will skip it this time. Also, I am sharing more below…
  3. Nominate 15 other blogs and notify them — Since I have received this award before, I would like to dedicate this one to everyone who follows me. Thanks! 🙂
  4. Put the award logo on the blog – it’s already on my post.

Second award is a new award. It’s the Thinking of You Award… I have never seen this one before, but it’s quite sweet because I got this award from a cat. 🙂  It’s from Texas, a cat in New York.  Thanks Texas. Purr purr. There are rules, but if you don’t play by rules, you don’t need to play by rules, therefore, no rules… But if you stick with rules, there will be rules. Can you tell I am blogging late at night?

1. Thank and link back to the sender — Done.
2. Tell seven things that I love and that I think about daily — 1) my family 2) my boyfriend 3) cats 4) dogs 5) food 6) stuff 7) lately — it’s running and fitness and blogging.
3. Pass the award to seven other blogs – Since this is a new award, I will help pass it along.

Here are the nominations:

And then as if my life is not exciting enough lately… I was kind of saying my life’s boring, but I have to correct myself (at least for these few weeks anyway)…I got another new award…this time from a pirate. Wait? What?!? You got an award from a cat and now a pirate? Yes, a really sweet one at that and likes tea instead of booze. Now take that Capt. Morgan. 😉  The award — Super Sweet Blogging Award. What else? And the pirate’s blog, Managua Gunn’s Pirate Blog. Thanks for the award, you sweet blogger pirate, you!

Again, there are rules, but if you don’t feel like it, there’s no rules. Got it? Got it.  Let’s move on…

1. thank the super sweet blogger that nominated you — Done.

2. Nominate a bakers dozen of bloggers (that’s 13) –Done.

3. Answer 5 super sweet questions — Oh mygosh…

Questions are:

Q1. Cookies or Cake?  — Mostly cakes, sometimes cookies, depends on who makes them and what’s inside.

Q2. Chocolate or Vanilla? — Chocolates for most things, but vanilla for the other. Vague enough for you? Lol.

Q3. What is your favorite sweet treat? — This is a loaded question. I will answer tomorrow (maybe) after I get some sleep.

Q4. When do you crave sweet things the most? — In the afternoon.

Q5. If you have a sweet nickname, what would it be? — If I have one, I am not sure I want to share it… 😉

My nominations:

  1. go bake yourself
  2. this man’s journey
  3. petit4chocolatier
  4. francescannotwrite
  5. cravesadventure
  6. traveler’s lounge
  7. jensinewall
  8. la nomade moderne
  9. flickr comments
  10. life portOfolio
  11. catpurrology
  12. books, cupcakes and cats
  13. To ALL the other bloggers that I read and/or following me that I haven’t nominated yet… It’s a long list.


I will notify all the award recipients tomorrow. But if you happen to see this first before I notify you…even better! Have a great day & Congratulations~

20 responses to “Awards…awards…awards…

  1. Congrats congrats congrats my friend on this huge plethora of awards! You deserve each and everyone of them 😀
    Thank you also for thinking of me, too sweet!

    Choc Chip Uru

  2. Congratulations!! You most definitely deserve each award and more!

    Thank you for thinking of me. I cannot wait to check out the blogs I have never viewed before!


  3. Congratulations on your well deserved awards and thank you for including my blog… Deeply honored! 🙂

  4. Pingback: Day 237..#One Lovely Blog Award « Confessions of an Apple Junkie·

  5. Congratulations for all the awards and thanks so much for the nomination.
    And don’t keep saying that you’re life is boring! 🙂

  6. Pingback: Sweet….no? « life portOfolio·

  7. How did you know I have a weakness for sweets? Congratulations my friend and thank you for sharing this irresistible awards. Warms my heart. Have a beautiful weekend!’

  8. Pingback: ‘One Lovely Blog Award’ | Manu Kurup·

  9. Pingback: Thank you for your Recognition | Fabulous 50's·

  10. Pingback: Quick & Easy « Go Bake Yourself·

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