You are a Happy Blogger!

Just received my first ever Happy Blogger award. Thank you so much to Choc Chip Uru at Go Bake Yourself who truly is a Happy Blogger and deserving of such a sweet award. If you haven’t check out Go Bake Yourself yet, you should do so. It features a lot of sweet recipes and my personal favorite, Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate!!!

Now, for the award. I am supposed to nominate 10 other bloggers, but I have tagged a lot of blogs lately for other blog awards, so for this happy award, I will just nominate two blogs that I am currently reading that makes me smile.

And I will leave it open for anyone else who blogs when they are happy and/or think they are a Happy Blogger to get this award.

(Okay, since I can be a tad silly, I made the lyrics up in the tune of “If you are happy, clap your hands”…)

If you are happy and you are blogger, raise your hand!

If you are happy and you are blogger, raise your hand!

If you are happy and you know it, and you want the world to know it–

Grab the Happy Blogger award on this site and you can post it.

Yayyyyy!!! 🙂

The two blogs that I am nominating for the Happy Blogger Award are:

1.) Hummusbird | All Things Beautiful

2.) Googsy’s Photography



10 responses to “You are a Happy Blogger!

  1. Thanks for the shout out and you are most welcome for the award 🙂
    Off to check out your nominees – congrats!

    Choc Chip Uru

    • Omg! What just happened? Lol. Thank you so much Russel Ray Photos for camping at my blog and gracing us with your presence. I am still working, so I will read and possibly reply to all of your comments later when I am done. 🙂

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